GMEDC Upper Valley VT

Commercial Realty.

Local & Statewide Listings.

Are you thinking about relocating to, or expanding your business in Vermont?

You couldn’t make a better choice! Home to lush landscapes, active communities, and a thriving small business scene, Vermont is a great place to establish, grow or relocate your business. At the cross-roads of Interstate Highways 89 and 91, the GMEDC region of east central Vermont is easily accessible. This area also boasts the unique advantages of the Upper Valley – the New Hampshire/Vermont cross-border region of the Connecticut River Valley that is home to Dartmouth College, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, and a high concentration of certified B Corps and employee-owned enterprises. GMEDC works with municipalities, developers, and commercial brokers to provide current listings for industrial and commercial properties. If a site interests you, you may reach out to GMEDC, or the listing contact directly.


Commercial Realty Available

November 14, 2022
Unique, multi-business rental space available in Bethel
September 1, 2022
Industrial Mixed-Use Space for sale in Bradford
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